How To Select A Good Quality Online Community College

The diploma of community services will train you to assess clients, work out what they need and link them in with services that will meet those needs. For those of you that wish to pursue higher education need to find a good quality online community college. By selecting a good quality college you will place yourself in a great position to be able to receive a high quality higher education. Online there are numerous online community colleges that can offer you the kind of education that will propel you in your chosen career path.

Live chat assistance

A sign of an online service that pays attention to providing good customer service will provide a live chat facility. This basically allows you to communicate with a customer service representative via live messaging. When you have any questions regarding the courses, pricing structure or anything else then you can ask them in a convenient and quick manner.

A comprehensive selection of courses

A sign of a great online education service is one that can offer you a selection of courses from many different disciplines. Such a choice will give you the ability to have a higher education that is well-balanced. Additionally, if you are having trouble deciding what courses you need to pick in order to have the best chance of landing the job that you want then a good quality online community college will be able to help you out. Guidance of any kind will be provided by an experienced education service which is important as it will help you with your education pursuits.

The quality of the courses

You need to determine that the courses that are offered to you are in fact college level. There is no point in taking low quality courses, because you will get a sub-standard education, and the chances of getting the courses transferred over to your university of choice might be low.

In order to get an idea of whether a course offered by an online education service is any good you need to look out if they have been reviewed by well-recognized education regulatory bodies. When you receive a college credit that you want to get transferred over to a university it can be done more easily if a regulatory body has reviewed that course.

Reputation in the media

Most of the online education services that you will come across will probably have some media review articles covering their services. It is very beneficial to do some background research on the education service that you are considering to take a course at. By doing background reading you will get a better understating of what kind of service to expect once you actually take the plunge and begin your studies with your chosen online education service.

Yoga – A Part Of The American Health Quest For Decades

The traditional Chinese medicine Northern Beaches prepared by me are basically plant based (leaves, fruit, seeds, stems, flowers and bark), but a few preparations even include minerals or animal products (no endangered species are ever used by Northside Acupuncture) as well. As you continue on your journey of discovery in yoga, you’ve no doubt probably come across a few terms that are unfamiliar to you, either from your yoga instructor, classmates or in books and magazines you might have read on the subject. Some terms might refer to yoga moves or poses, or they may refer to concepts particular to yoga.

Don’t panic if they are unfamiliar to you. Like many special practices, yoga comes with its unique terms that become familiar to yoga enthusiasts during their journey. Many of the terms (if not all) are Hindu in origin and might be difficult to grasp (or even pronounce) at first. But as you continue your yoga journey, these words and others will become clear and relevant to your life.

Below are a few terms that you may run across in the study of yoga. This list is, of course, in no ways a complete one, but it might provide a useful overview of the concepts of yoga.

Abhyasa means “practice” and refers to the constant spiritual yoga practice.

Acarlya refers to a instructor or guide, primarily one in religious areas, but it is also used in yoga.

Ananda is the state of bliss and ultimate joy. It gets its name from one of the most devout followers of Buddha.

Asana is the name of the actual poses in yoga, which are designed to promote a sense of well being and harmony of the mind and body. There are numerous asanas that promote different types of flexibility or mental relaxation.

Ayurveda is an Indian medical system that has a long tradition in the country. Despite the millions of practitioners worldwide, it is looked at as an alternative medicine by many doctors in the West.

Bhakti Yoga, or the “yoga of devotion”, is a major branch of yoga that focuses on forming a devotion to a personal form of God. Within Bhakti, there are three schools: Shaivism, Shaktism and Vaishnavism.

Bodhi means “awakening” or “enlightenment” and is the state of the awakened Buddha.

Buddha is the title given to a person who has attained enlightenment and ultimate inner peace. Is it the honorary title of the founder of Buddhism, Gautama.

Chakra means “wheel” and refers to the psycho-energy centers on the body. Buddhism yoga maintains there are five chakras on the human body, while Hindu yoga practitioners believe there may be seven or more.

Diksha is an initiation process given to those who gain insight into the hidden aspects of yoga. It may include the presentation of a mantra given by a guru of Buddhism, Hinduism or Jaimism

Goraksha was the founder of hatha yoga and was its first teacher. These days the name also applies to a person who has reached an upper level of yoga practice and has mastered some of the more difficult hatha yoga poses and practices.

Guru is an advisory and spiritual teacher.

Guru-Yoga is a theory in yoga that placed the guru at the center of a yoga practitioner’s learning process.

Hatha Yoga is one of the major branches of yoga that is highlighted by its combination of poses, body cleansing practices and breathing exercises.

Ishvara-pranidhana teaches practitioners to focus on restraint, self-control and dedication to their spiritual side.

Jnana-Yoga is a branch of yoga that focuses on obtaining knowledge and wisdom. The practice focuses on four distinct paths: development of a discriminating mind, the skill to remain dispassionate when needed, virtue and freedom from earthly bonds.

Kaivalya is the ultimate goal of yoga, to be free of the material constraints of the world and “isolated”. People in a kaivalya state are aware of everything around them but have the ability to stand apart from it.

Karma refers to an action of any kind and its subsequent effect on one’s life. Karma concerns the entire cycle of life, the causes and effects.

Krishna is the human form of the god Vishnu, whose teachings form the basis of the practice of Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavate-Purana.

Kumbhaka is a breathing exercise in which the lungs are filled with air. The practice is generally done while meditating or chanting.

Kundalini-shakti is the lowest psycho-energy center in the body and is key to full enlightenment. To activate the kundalini-shakti, the practitioner must awaken it and direct it upwards to the crown of the head.

Laya Yoga is a Tantric yoga process in which the energy of several psycho-energy centers of the body is gradually dissolved.

Mandala is a circular design that is created as a representation of the cosmos and is often used in meditation techniques.

Mantra means a sound or phrase that is sacred and has the power to induce a meditative state when chanted. Mantras are sounds or phrases, such as “om” or “hum” that are chanted. They are usually given to a student before undergoing a disksha.

Mantra-Yoga is yoga where a mantra is the primary means of meditation and path to enlightenment.

Marman is the area on the body where much of the physical energy is either concentrated or compressed and blocked.

Nada is an inner body sound that practitioners of nada yoga or kundalini yoga say can be heard during the practice. It is key to concentration and meditation.

Nyasa is the ability to fill certain areas of the body with the “life force” simply by touching or thinking about the areas.

Om is a phrase often referred to as the original mantra and is considered the “ultimate reality”.

Prana is the “life force” or “life breath” that yoga practitioners believe exists in all life on earth.

Prasada refers to a state of mental clarity and pure grace that is reached through meditation.

Recaka is a term uses in connection with meditative breathing and refers to the exhalation of breath and the control of the breath.

Samadhi is the unity of body and mind that is achieved through meditation. In this, the highest level of meditation, the waking, sleeping and dreaming mind are all working in harmony.

Samatva refers to balance and harmony in the mind.

Sat refers to the “ultimate reality”.

Siddhi is somewhat related to Sat in that it refers to spiritual perfection and reaching a state of ultimate reality.

Sushumna-nadi is the central area of life force in the body. It begins at the base of the spine and extends to the crows of the head.

Turiya is a state of consciousness that goes beyond the most common states of walking, sleeping and dreaming. It is frequently described as the human spirit in harmony with the human experience and is the focus of a great deal of meditation.

Upaya refers to the practice of compassion in Buddhist yoga teachings.

Veerasana, additionally referred to as the “hero’s pose”, is regarded as an essential pose for concentration and discriminative thinking.

Yoga is the practice of bringing into harmony the state of the body and mind, individual and universal consciousness. It unites opposing states within the body to reach a higher state of awareness.

WoYoPracMo refers to World Yoga Practice Month, a period in which yoga practitioners, both veteran and new, vow to practice yoga every day for an entire month. Many yoga studios offer special rates and sessions during this month and yoga practitioners help each other with motivation and support.

Lindaa Adams really loves all things health and fitness related.

One of the most reliable health websites Lindaa has found is Yoga Teachers Kamloops, which is a distinctive blend of yoga and exercise.

Read more information, you may also visit Kamloops Yoga Fitness Boot Camp

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Live Event Filming Tips

Organizing your concept boards makes it more easy to do your live filming events.

There is no storyboard, there are no second takes, there may be a schedule but its not necessarily set in stone. Live event filming is about knowing how to work with the unpredictable, which can be stressful if not prepared.

Our best live filming experiences have been from filming conferences and music concerts working with at least two manned cameras. We have made mistakes and missed opportunities, but from our mistakes we have triumphed. In this article I want to share some tips that we have learnt along the way that helps us in preparing and successfully execute a live shoot.

These tips may seem obvious, but they are vital if you wish to have a hassle free shoot so you can concentrate on your creativity and perfection of each shot.

Where to Be:

After a quick scout of the location prior to the event itself, remember that the closer you are, the more audio and visual information you will be able to capture on camera. Ideally, it is good to have both wide shots at a distance from the event, as well as shots from within it. A close shot, has more emotional strength, as the audience will be confronted more powerfully with the expressions of the participants.

However a wide shot gives more of a contextual sense of the event i.e. how many people are attending, where it’s taking place, and so on. For this reason the wide shot is also called the establishing shot as it gives the viewer an overall sense of the venue that the event is taking place. Your best option is to have two cameras with, one at the back of the space on a lock off, while you capture handheld footage down at the front.

What to Shoot:

When you think of live event filming you have to think of how to collect images and sound that will help provide the most comprehensive information for the viewer. Here’s a possible list of shots to get at an event. Please adapt it to fit your specific needs.

Key Players: Shots of the speakers, musicians or hosts for the event, try to get plenty of close ups from as stable position as possible.

B-roll: Never underestimate the power of images to support your storytelling process. Film a good range of different images and activities within the live event and capture as much b-roll as you can. These are the loose series of shots that will help smooth the editing process by allowing breaks in action or speeches to be ‘covered’ by other relevant shots that do not feel out-of-place.

Vox-pops: This is the method used often in live event filming where a reporter and camera person ask an ordinary person on the street to spontaneously state their views on a subject. You can ask them quick questions about the event, and why they are there, as well as anything more personal relating to the advocacy of the event.

Lighting + White Balance:

Check what lighting the venue has, if it’s not sufficient then you need to ask permission if you can bring your own lighting kit. Check how it looks through the camera lens; don’t use your eyes to judge as a camera is unable to adapt as well as our eyes can. As well as lighting you need to make sure the camera is picking up the correct colour. To save extra work in post production, use a sheet of white card/paper and hold it in front of your camera lens to control the white balance, do this for each camera (if using multiple) to make sure each camera is picking up the same colour temperature.

Find the Schedule:

Speak with whoever is in charge of the event to find out as much information as possible about the set times / schedule. Even if they only have a rough idea, some things are set in stone. For example at a wedding, the bride & groom are expected to be at the church and the reception/after party for certain times. By knowing these times, you can plan how long certain parts of the day will take and how best to utilise your tapes or card space.

By speaking to the client, you can discuss what you expect from each other. The client may want you to capture certain aspects of the event and you will need to tell the client what you require and how you plan to operate. From this discussion you can both formulate and alter a schedule to fit in with both parties requirements.

Make a Checklist:

Last thing you want is to turn up at a venue and realise you have forgotten a vital piece of kit, (like the base plate for a tripod!. it happens!). So make sure that you have everything prepared: Cameras/lights/tripods/sound kit in working order, enough blank tapes/cards + spares, charged batteries + spares.

More important than anything, BE OBSERVANT, look around, watch people and try to anticipate what they may do next. Being on the ball and watching your surroundings will aid you in the success of your shoot and may nail you that magnificent shot that no one else saw! I hope these tips on live event filming prove useful and help relieve some of the stress of the day so you have more room to focus on the creativity.

Written by Mark A. Wilson the Managing Director of London based video production company Phink TV. With over 10 years experience in Digital Media and the Creative Industry working for the likes of Sky TV, The Times, and The Arcadia Group. I now feel it’s time to give back some of the valuable information and insight I have attained.

Amongst my many loves include, video production, digital media, design and marketing trends, hoping I can be a useful contributor to this site on these subjects.

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