What Is Local SEO and 5 Reasons Why It’s Important

What You Don’t Know Online Can Hurt You

How do you know if you need a local SEO strategy? The critical word in this question is “local.” Do you own a business that draws in customers from zero to 15 miles away? Would potential customers looking for your products and services drive up to ten minutes to get to your business? If you can answer yes to these questions, chances are you need to manage your local SEO strategy. Guys from SEO consultants Brisbane develop their local strategy using internal linkings.

So, what is local SEO? And why is it important?

What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO involves optimizing your online presence to attract business from local searches on Google and other search engines. According to Hubspot’s local SEO statistics, 46% of all Google searchers are looking for local information. And 72% of consumers who searched for a local product or service using local SEO near me searches visited a store within five miles.

So, does local SEO work? It sure did if you were one of those businesses. Are you wondering where to start? To illustrate the benefits of focusing on local SEO, we’ve put together a list of five reasons why it’s essential for your business success.

5 Reasons Local SEO Is Essential for Your Business Success

Reason #1 – Your Business Details Appear in Front of Consumers Looking for Your Products and Services

Remember the good old days when you scoured the yellow pages to find businesses offering the products and services you needed? Today, all you do is type the product or service you’re looking for into a search engine on your laptop, desktop, or mobile device. The businesses that provide those products or services will pop up. And, if you type “near me,” it’ll show you everything close enough to drive to from your current location.

Pretty slick. Those local SEO “near me” searches save you time. Just choose what you like, pull up the map and directions, and you’re good to go. If you look at those results carefully, you’ll see they’re populated by online business directories, much like the yellow pages of bygone days.

When you compare local SEO vs. organic SEO, both are still important. You want a content marketing strategy that helps your pages rank in search engine results for specific keywords and keyword phrases (the goal of organic SEO strategies). But local SEO is critical for businesses that serve a localized community. It’s somewhat less important for global companies that draw customers from all over.

Reason #2 – Consistently Accurate Online Directory Citations Boost Your Organic and Local Pack Rankings

You must list your business name, address, and phone number accurately and consistently across the top-ranked local citations and business directories. That information is referred to as your NAP Data (name, address, phone). A search engine bot is more likely include your business in the search engine results pages (SERPs) if it’s confident that your information is consistent and accurate.

That seems fair. Do you think you might get frustrated if Google sent you to a business that isn’t there or gave you a phone number that’s no longer in service? Search engines want to find this basic information about your business in numerous places throughout the internet.

When they find that information in several places-and it’s all consistent and correctthey trust the data. But if Google or Bing, for example, see confusing, inconsistent data, they consider it less valid-less reliable. Therefore, search engines are more likely to bypass you in favor of a business with more consistent NAP Data.

Reason #3 – Your Business Site Gets More Links Back to It from Authoritative, Trusted Sites

Backlinks, or links pointing to your site from trusted, authoritative websites, play an essential role in SEO. They validate your website’s existence, proving that your site is a viable force in the vast internet universe. Additionally, some directory citation sites add a website URL field to their listings and display these URLs as ‘dofollow’ links. That passes valuable link equity to your site. Search engines use backlinks to determine your domain authority, boosting your SEO (as opposed to ‘nofollow’ links, which are nice but don’t give you any juice).

Want another great way to snag a backlink while doing something else worthwhile to build your business? Join the local chamber of commerce or other business group. Doing this will provide a relevant local link back to your website, and you can network at local events. While you’re at these events, you might pick up some business or even more backlink opportunities.

In addition, if you have vendors or are a product provider, you may want them to link to your website as well (with a dofollow link, of course).

Reason #4 – Your Business Will Be Closer to Landing on the First Page of Search Engine Results

Online business directories take up quite a bit of real estate on search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, local businesses they list in their directories get top billing on local search queries. If you’re not on those lists…

You need to know how to get your business listed in these local citations business directories because you’ll lose out on valuable business. And what you don’t know online can hurt you.

You might have the best pizza in town, but if the guy across town doesn’t find you when he searches for “pizza near me,” he’s going to go buy his pizza from your competitor. And that brings us to Reason #5.

Reason #5 – Your Business Will Gain Opportunities for Third-Party Reviews

Here are the three core pillars for ranking well in the Google Local Map Pack.

  • Relevance

How well do you target the keywords or topics your potential customers would search for on your website?

  • Prominence

How well does your business stand out online?

  • Proximity

How close is your business to the potential customer searching for your products or services?

We’ve touched on relevance and proximity. Now it’s time to talk about prominence: the positive reputation and comments your business enjoys across the internet. How do search engines find this information? Many citations and directories allow customers to post reviews and grade their experiences with local businesses.

If you deliver excellent service, your business will benefit from this added perk. But it’s not enough to get good reviews. You should also respond to them. And, if you get a negative review, don’t sweat it. Just be sure you keep your cool and respond appropriately. Work on resolving the issue as quickly as possible. Even a simple apology is better than no response at all.

More Tips for Local SEO

Local SEO for multiple locations, list all of your staffed locations, including the complete name, address, and phone number on a Contact Us page on your site.

For businesses with 10 or fewer locations, list the complete name, address, and phone number of each location in the sitewide footer.

Make sure people can easily find your phone number on your website-and that it’s clickable on mobile devices.

Just as you want to be consistent on the directories, make sure your NAP Data is consistent across all pages of your website.

If your business serves multiple locations, you need a separate page with unique content for each site. Avoid copying and pasting from one page to the other.

Customize Your Local SEO to Your Business Type

So, what you don’t know online can hurt you. If your business isn’t working on a local SEO strategy, you’re leaving money on the table that your competitor across town will pick up.

Local SEO works well, but it takes time and patience just like organic SEO. That’s why many businesses hire a local SEO agency to put all the pieces together.

Stressing about getting your company’s information entered into business directories? Let our local SEO experts take care of it for you.

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency to help you optimize for local SEO? Precise Creative Is Your Local SEO Solution! Follow these tips for local SEO solutions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10456948

What are The Value Of Art

The Value of Art is in the eye of the beholder. The intrinsic value of art is in the eye of the artist. The Value of Art is in the eye for the seller. It was once believed that artists are all suffering, tortured souls because this makes art more marketable. The fact is that artists are suffering, tortured souls because this makes art more marketable. Without suffering, there can be no creativity. Artists are not in it for money. They do it because they have to do it. There are two kinds of artists: selling out artists and starving artists. When an artist sells out, he becomes a selling out artist, which is the biggest insult you can give to an artist. An artist who sells out is someone who has lost his passion for art or his love for humanity, or both. If an artist sells out, he becomes a business man. There are three kinds of business men: rich business men , poor business men and middle-class business men. Creating a unique concept boards can attract your audience in your movie.

The Value of Art is in the eye of the beholder. The intrinsic value of art is in the eye of the artist. The Value of Art is in the eye for the seller. It was once believed that artists are all suffering, tortured souls because this makes art more marketable. The fact is that artists are suffering, tortured souls because this makes art more marketable. Without suffering, there can be no creativity. Artists are not in it for money. They do it because they have to do it. There are two kinds of artists: selling out artists and starving artists. When an artist sells out, he becomes a selling out artist, which is the biggest insult you can give to an artist. An artist who sells out is someone who has lost his passion for art or his love for humanity, or both. If an artist sells out, he becomes a business man. There are three kinds of business men: rich business men , poor business men and middle-class business men.

Art is the expression of our values, but what are art’s value? What are the value of literature? Many people will say that art is utilitarian, that it has value because it teaches us things. The word “utility” here means something more specific than usual, though. It does not mean the usefulness of a hammer or a book of poetry, which can be evaluated on its own terms. Here “utility” means “teaches us something useful.”

Art is hard to value because it’s hard to compare. A painting has no clear price; it’s worth what someone will pay for it. The value of a song or a movie is in proportion to how many people watch it, which depends on how much advertising money the artist can get someone else to spend on making the song or movie popular. Once you start comparing one artist to another, or even one piece of art by one artist to another, you have already lost track of what the art is really about. It’s similar to when you try to put a price on a place. Suppose you have a nice lakefront cabin in Wisconsin and an ugly mansion in New York City. You could ask two real-estate agents how much each place would sell for. The concrete numbers they come up with will be bogus, but that doesn’t mean the question itself is wrong. It is a way of asking whether your cabin is more valuable than a mansion in terms that everyone understands. Art is like that. It has an intrinsic value that is clear once you put it into context, but not otherwise.

Art is a way of seeing or doing things. Art is a type of knowledge. Much art is explicit, but much art is implicit and untaught. There are many ways to be an artist, and no one can force you to be a good artist. You can’t really talk about what art teaches, because it’s often the same as what it does—art is a way of seeing or doing things. You can learn from books, but books are not art. In fact, you can learn from almost anything if you look at it as an example of how to do something better. The people who have the most power to block artists are those who have the most power in general: governments and large corporations. The government has a lot of power over what people think and do by deciding which ideas and products get tax money and by passing laws that affect what goods people can buy. And large corporations have power over artists by deciding whom they will hire and promote and buy from; they also have power over the public directly through advertising budgets larger than those of most countries. The effect of such power on literature is clear: governments and large corporations want stories that confirm their values, not stories that undermine them (though they’ll take those too).

The visual arts and literature and music and theatre and dance are not quite like other things. For one thing, you can’t eat them. And for another, they do not always serve the same functions as other things. You can compare a painting to a meal or a house. You can enjoy both of them, or you can try to persuade someone else that they are worth enjoying, or you can use both of them to tell stories about how the world works. But really they are different. A meal is an object; it has mass and volume; it occupies time; it must be made from ingredients that grew in the ground or which were killed by hunters; it has calories; it must be prepared by someone who was trained to do it. Another difference between arts and other things is that they tend to matter more than their contenting would seem to indicate. I mean that if someone says “I don’t like that painting,” you can look at the painting and see what he means, but if he says “I don’t like broccoli,” there is no broccoli you could show him that he would agree was good. This article will give you an idea about the art value.

5 Activities to get inspired and become a better artist

Create a Mood board with inspirational pictures

Mood boards are collections of images that inspire you, and the work you want to do, and the mood you want to create in your home. Concept boards inspires the film industry to thrive harder.

The best way to create a mood board is to start with Pinterest.com. Create an account and find images that inspire you in any or all of these categories:
Home: colours, patterns, furniture, art, accessories
Lifestyle: fashion, food, travel destinations
Work: anything pertaining to your work/life balance and your passions

If your own ideas aren’t inspiring enough, look at others’ mood boards on Pinterest for ideas.

Use Pinterest with color palettes to come up with ideas

When I want to find a color palette, I use Pinterest. I always think that’s funny because it’s not an obvious place to look for colors. But it works well. It has so many pictures of so many different things, each with multiple color palettes.
You can also use it to generate ideas about how colors work together. See what colors are used in the same room, or the same outfit, or the same picture of an outdoor landscape and try to figure out why they worked (or didn’t).

You can also use Pinterest as a sort of mood board: put pictures of things you like and see what colors you decide you like best with them.

Plan your story boards with key words

The way to plan your storyboards is to make a list of the phrases you will use in the comic, and underline the key words.

You can use “key words” that are obvious story points, or you can use “key words” that are images. For example, if you are writing a comic about a guy who builds a robot dog, one possible key word would be “robot.” Another might be “dog.” A third could be “dog-like.”

The more key words you have, the more flexible your comic will be. You can always change your mind about which direction you want to go in. The point is not to have a perfect plan, but to have enough flexibility so that if an unexpected opportunity presents itself in the middle of drawing the comic, you’ll still be able to take advantage of it.

Listen to music to generate emotions ranging from anxious to playful

The human brain is a pattern-matching machine. We aren’t consciously aware of most of the patterns we match, but they affect us all the same.
The brain pays particular attention to music. That’s because it has a specialized role: to make emotions. Evolution built it to make emotions, and the way it does that is by matching patterns of sound to patterns of emotional response.

There are only a few basic emotional responses, and there are only a few basic patterns in music. A few notes can trigger one of these responses, more notes can trigger a different one, and any combination can trigger yet a third. Or no combination will, if the listener isn’t in the right mood.

Make collages of inspiring artworks

Make a collage of inspirational works of art. For example, one that emphasizes the importance of education. The collage might be a literal work of art or just a visual representation. The collage can be as large as you want.
The inspiration for this exercise is Pablo Picasso’s quote: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”