Author Archives: Steven Martinez

5 Activities to get inspired and become a better artist

Create a Mood board with inspirational pictures

Mood boards are collections of images that inspire you, and the work you want to do, and the mood you want to create in your home. Concept boards inspires the film industry to thrive harder.

The best way to create a mood board is to start with Create an account and find images that inspire you in any or all of these categories:
Home: colours, patterns, furniture, art, accessories
Lifestyle: fashion, food, travel destinations
Work: anything pertaining to your work/life balance and your passions

If your own ideas aren’t inspiring enough, look at others’ mood boards on Pinterest for ideas.

Use Pinterest with color palettes to come up with ideas

When I want to find a color palette, I use Pinterest. I always think that’s funny because it’s not an obvious place to look for colors. But it works well. It has so many pictures of so many different things, each with multiple color palettes.
You can also use it to generate ideas about how colors work together. See what colors are used in the same room, or the same outfit, or the same picture of an outdoor landscape and try to figure out why they worked (or didn’t).

You can also use Pinterest as a sort of mood board: put pictures of things you like and see what colors you decide you like best with them.

Plan your story boards with key words

The way to plan your storyboards is to make a list of the phrases you will use in the comic, and underline the key words.

You can use “key words” that are obvious story points, or you can use “key words” that are images. For example, if you are writing a comic about a guy who builds a robot dog, one possible key word would be “robot.” Another might be “dog.” A third could be “dog-like.”

The more key words you have, the more flexible your comic will be. You can always change your mind about which direction you want to go in. The point is not to have a perfect plan, but to have enough flexibility so that if an unexpected opportunity presents itself in the middle of drawing the comic, you’ll still be able to take advantage of it.

Listen to music to generate emotions ranging from anxious to playful

The human brain is a pattern-matching machine. We aren’t consciously aware of most of the patterns we match, but they affect us all the same.
The brain pays particular attention to music. That’s because it has a specialized role: to make emotions. Evolution built it to make emotions, and the way it does that is by matching patterns of sound to patterns of emotional response.

There are only a few basic emotional responses, and there are only a few basic patterns in music. A few notes can trigger one of these responses, more notes can trigger a different one, and any combination can trigger yet a third. Or no combination will, if the listener isn’t in the right mood.

Make collages of inspiring artworks

Make a collage of inspirational works of art. For example, one that emphasizes the importance of education. The collage might be a literal work of art or just a visual representation. The collage can be as large as you want.
The inspiration for this exercise is Pablo Picasso’s quote: “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

What types of jobs are available to me as an artist in the film industry

Film is by far the biggest employer of artists in the world. But some of you don’t know that there is a department for tv storyboard. But there are no guarantees, no safety nets. The real art of film is not to make films; it’s to survive doing it.

If you want to make your living as an artist in the film industry, you can’t assume that making films will be your main job. There are plenty of other, more junior positions open to you, especially if you are young and inexperienced – but many of those jobs are also dangerous.

You can also try to do other things, but they will be hard to keep up with the pace of filmmaking.

New artists are often surprised by the number of career choices available to them. This is quite understandable, because they have no idea what their options might be. There are two reasons for this. One is that many people who spend their lives creating films do not consider themselves artists. They are just doing their job, and don’t see it as anything special.

The other reason is that there seem to be very few jobs as artists in the film industry as defined above. In particular, the creative people who make films do not work together as a team, but as individuals scattered across different departments. It is difficult to identify a single creative person who is responsible for a film’s overall look or feel, or even for its plot or story line.

In practice nobody works as a single creative person for a film’s entire life, and new ideas come from all kinds of different places. But the chances of finding a new way of making films happen only if you make films yourself, or know someone who does.

It’s easy to confuse a profession with a job. As long as you have a job you can do, there is no reason for it to be anything else. If you understand that film is a business, then it’s very clear what kind of job an artist in the film industry has.

If you are doing something really interesting, something worth doing, something that makes life more exciting, you will eventually find out that most people don’t want to pay you for it. You’ll learn not to take money from people who would rather not spend it on your work. You’ll also learn that other people are trying to tell you how they should spend their money, and they won’t always do so wisely.

If you decide to specialize in making movies about cats playing the piano, or other low-budget trifles, you can probably expect to be able to make your living at that for the rest of your career. You’ll just have to work hard at it.

SEO Book to Teach You How to Hit the Rankings

Thousands (or even millions) of people are trying hard to reach your business daily, but so often they just can’t succeed. They look for your site for you in the search engines, but instead they see those nasty competitors of yours who managed to get to the top of search engine results page. Ask what happens as a result. The answer lies on the surface: you lose a great number of potential clients – and you don’t even know about that. How could this nasty thing happen? SEO specialist Sydney knows that the potential of your website to rank well on Google is only as high as the quality of the content on your website.

That’s also easy to grasp. Most likely, your competition got themselves busy with SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. This promotional technique makes websites show up at the highest placements in Search engines whenever a web surfer types in a word or a phrase. Google, Yahoo! and other search engines can bring crowds of people to your website every day. This can be thousands, and well, this can be millions. But that is only when you rise to the top in their rankings.

There is wealth of online resources to help you here. Online guides for SEO beginners help you get a quick start, blogs, forums let you listen to experienced SEOs and get in touch with newbies like yourself. However in this huge choice of places to go to, how does a newbie find the right way?

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