Treating Major Musculoskeletal Shoulder Injuries with Pilates


While Pilates was initially created to help rehabilitate injured soldiers, it has become a popular exercise program. It can be used as a complement to other forms of training or as an alternative for those who do not want to lift weights or engage in other types of strength training. The benefits of Pilates Northern Beaches include increased muscle tone and flexibility and improved posture.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a mind-body exercise system that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and balance. It’s not a specific exercise but rather a series of exercises that can be modified to meet each client’s needs based on their health condition. The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates, who started his career as a boxer in Germany before moving to England where he studied yoga and anatomy with some of the leading teachers in Europe at the time.

Have a good teacher.

When you’re looking for a teacher, make sure they have a good reputation. You can find reviews online and see if people are giving them positive feedback. Look at their website and see what kinds of certifications they have—it’s always better to go with someone who has experience teaching people with your specific injury or condition. If you’re older and in pain, it’ll be best to find someone who has experience working with people in your age group as well (the average age of a Pilates instructor is about 50).

Start doing Pilates for 10-15 minutes a day.

First, start with a few minutes a day. Don’t worry about how long you have been doing it or how many repetitions you do.

Next, work your way up to 30 minutes a day and increase the amount of time as you get stronger and more comfortable with this new movement pattern.

Finally, don’t worry about how many sets you do at first either; just focus on finding an exercise that feels good in your body!

Start doing Pilates for 30 minutes a day.

  • Start with 10-15 minutes a day. You can build up to 30 minutes if you want, but starting slowly is a good way to develop the habit.
  • Start with a 5 minute warm-up. Try some of the exercises below or make your own!
  • Focus on your breathing and alignment. It’s important that you keep your spine as straight as possible so that all of the pressure goes through it instead of its joints—this will make it easier for you to do Pilates correctly in later months. In addition, focus on keeping your core engaged at all times; this will help keep the muscles surrounding your shoulder blades strong even though they’re not being used during most movements (which is why many people have soreness there after an injury).
  • Keep shoulders relaxed but muscularly engaged throughout each exercise; don’t let them sag too far down toward your backside unless told otherwise by a physical therapist or doctor first! This will reduce chances of reinjury because there won’t be any slack muscles around which might potentially pull against tendons/ligaments (and thus strain them).

Focus on strengthening your muscles with the help of this video in different angles or positions.

If you’re looking for a way to strengthen your muscles, this video can be very useful. The exercises are demonstrated in different angles and positions, which will help you find the right moves for your injury.

Move your hips to help stabilize your shoulder itself.

You can also move your hips to help stabilize your shoulder itself. A great way to do this is by moving in circles, one direction at a time (remember the 8-pointed star we talked about earlier?). Make sure that you keep your shoulders relaxed as you circle around, and don’t forget: don’t lock out your elbows!

Another common movement is called “hip drops,” where you lift one leg off the ground while keeping the opposite knee bent with that foot flat on the ground. Gently drop that lifted knee down toward the floor and then back up again. Repeat for 5-10 reps on each side before switching over and doing it again with another leg lifted instead of dropped down.

Another way to target these muscles is with double-leg lifts: lie face-down on an exercise mat or other soft surface with arms extended overhead alongside your body, legs straight behind us so they make an approximated 90 degree angle at our knees (not locked) and toes pointed up toward ceiling). Lift both legs slowly off of mat until just before they touch nose; hold for 2 seconds then slowly lower back down toward mat before repeating process 10 times per set.*Remembering not to lock out elbows during any arm movements!*

Don’t use pain as an excuse to stop doing Pilates.

Sometimes, you may feel that your shoulder is too painful to do Pilates. This can be a sign that there are more serious problems in your body and/or mind than just an injured shoulder. Don’t use pain as an excuse to stop doing Pilates! It’s possible that you’ve been ignoring the signals from your body for so long, it just wants to be heard.

When working with any injury, it’s important to remember that healing takes time and often requires patience on both sides of the equation: You have to be patient with yourself and your healing process; also remember that your body has its own wisdom about how best it needs care or rehabilitation.

Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body and self-knowledge

Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body and self-knowledge. When you do Pilates, you gain an understanding of how your muscles work together—and how they don’t work together. This knowledge helps provide the foundation for better posture and movement throughout the rest of your life.


Pilates is a great way to strengthen your body and self-knowledge. It can help you stay in shape, get stronger, improve posture and balance, relieve pain from injuries like shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tendonitis by strengthening muscles around the shoulder joint. And it doesn’t require any equipment!